Removing the fungus between the toes: the best ways to defeat mycosis

The skin between the toes is often subject to fungal infection. This problem is common in people who lead an active lifestyle and is quite severe and uncomfortable. Considering the high importance of foot mycoses, they should be given more attention.

Causes of itching and peeling in the interdigital folds

fungus between toes

The teeth itch and peel due to various pathological processes - allergic reactions, scabies, eczema - but for many people such symptoms arise from a fungal infection. The epithelium becomes wet and cracked with mycosis of the feet, which is a separate nosology in dermatology. It is caused by pathogenic fungi that affect the smooth skin and nail plates. The infection is caused by several pathogens:

  • Trichophyton (T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, T. violaceum).
  • Epidermophyton (E. floccosum).
  • Mold fungi.

Mycosis is a contagious disease that is transmitted from one person to another in places with high humidity (baths, saunas, swimming pools, beaches) through infected shoes, carpets, benches, etc. Mold spores are found in large quantities in the horny scales of the epidermis, with which they are transferred.

Predisposing factors

A number of local and general factors contribute to skin lesions, increasing the chance of developing a fungal infection between the toes. The former include the following:

  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  • Wrongly chosen shoes (uncomfortable, made of synthetic materials).
  • Anatomical characteristics of the foot (flat feet, narrow folds).
  • The presence of scratches and diaper rash.
  • Injuries (mechanical, chemical).

The role of systemic disorders is explained by a decrease in the resistance of the skin barrier and a weakening of the immune defense. Neurotrophic, vascular and endocrine metabolic diseases (polyneuropathy, angiopathy, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis) have a negative impact. In addition, the role of meteorological conditions (high temperature and humidity) and virulence of the pathogen is noted.

Mycosis of the foot with skin lesions between the toes is caused by a fungus and develops against the background of local or systemic disorders.

What does mycosis look like?

fungal infection of the skin of the toes

Mycosis begins on the skin of the interdigital folds, but then spreads to other parts of the foot - the sole, back and lateral surfaces. In clinical practice, there are several forms of fungal infection:

  • Squamous.
  • Intertriginous.
  • Dyshidrotic.

The scaly form begins with mild redness and light skin. They can be confined to certain areas or become widespread. This form often goes unnoticed by the patient himself, and therefore it is the most dangerous from an epidemiological point of view. At first, the fungus affects one leg, but later it can spread to the healthy side.

As it progresses, the squamous form can turn into a dyshidrotic form, which is characterized by an acute course with body allergies and the formation of blisters on the arch of the foot. Joining, they form multi-chambered blisters, which, after opening, leave eroded foci surrounded by an exfoliated epidermal rim. Spreading to the lateral surfaces of the leg, the process is combined with the intertriginous form. As epithelialization occurs, the areas dry out, turning back to squamous.

Foci of fungal infection are often accompanied by itching. It comes from interdigital folds in the most common form - intertriginous, which occurs independently or on the background of squamous. Usually the process begins between the IV and V fingers (less often III and IV). Cracks appear there, surrounded by a rim of exfoliated epidermis. The fungus can spread to other folds, toes and the back of the foot. Later, tears occur with painful erosions.

The disease is characterized by a long course with periodic exacerbations that occur in the warm season. Bacterial flora penetrates more easily through the loosened stratum corneum of the epidermis, so the intertriginous form can be complicated by streptococcal infection with the development of erysipelas and thrombophlebitis.

Damage to the interdigital spaces often occurs in combination with other forms of mycosis of the foot, which indicates the unity of the pathological processes.


The disease has a very characteristic clinical picture, so the initial diagnosis is made based on the results of a medical examination. Microscopy and culture of scrapings from the affected skin are used to identify the pathogen. The presence of a systemic pathology that contributes to the development of mycosis is confirmed by additional methods - a biochemical blood test (glucose, hormonal spectrum, immunogram), ultrasound examination of the lower extremities, etc.

How to treat the wound?

application of medicated creams

To effectively get rid of fungus, you must first eliminate the conditions that create favorable conditions for its development. If your foot itches and feels pain, it is recommended to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Wear comfortable, breathable shoes.
  • Wear cotton socks.
  • After showering and washing, dry your feet.
  • Use personal slippers in public places.

During the treatment of mycosis of the foot, attention is paid to giving up bad habits, a healthy diet (reduction of animal fats, sweets, including fresh vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products in the diet), strengthening.

In addition to general recommendations that have a therapeutic and prophylactic focus, traditional medicine actively uses the means of drug correction, without which it is not possible to cure mycosis. Therapy can be external or systemic.

Effective creams and ointments

It is necessary to fight the infection with specific drugs that act against the fungus on the toes. For the squamous form, the doctor prescribes various creams and ointments, which include various antifungals. If there are dense foci of hyperkeratosis on the soles, treatment begins with exfoliation procedures using salicylic, lactic, resorcinol and collodion acids. At night, a medicine intended for external use is placed under the bandage. It contains salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory, keratolytic and antiseptic properties, and in the morning take a bath with soap and soda, after which the horny masses will be removed better.

If your skin gets wet and cracked

application of medicated ointments for mycosis of the skin of the fingers

External treatment of the dyshidrotic form with tears and cracks begins with boric acid and potassium permanganate creams. The interdigital spaces are treated with aniline dye solutions, a product for external use intended for the treatment of various skin diseases. The solution contains ingredients that promote rapid healing of wounds, eliminate inflammatory manifestations and fight pathogenic microorganisms. After the acute inflammatory process has been eliminated, antifungal ointments and pastes are applied to the affected areas. For secondary pyoderma, drugs with antibacterial components are prescribed.

In case of fungal lesions of the skin of the feet, external therapy with antifungal agents, antiseptics and antibiotics is of crucial importance.


If local agents are ineffective, it is necessary to switch to drugs for internal use. Among the prescribed antifungal medications are an antifungal drug, an antifungal drug that has a broad spectrum of action against fungi that cause skin, hair and nail diseases, a drug for the treatment of fungal infections, an antifungal drug. When you allergenize the body, antihistamines (an antihistamine drug intended for the treatment of allergic reactions) and desensitizing agents (calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate, magnesium sulfate) are used. Streptococcal infections can be cured with antibiotics that do not have an activating effect on the microbial flora.

What can be done by folk remedies?

Some methods of traditional medicine can be an addition to standard therapy. To treat foot fungus, baths are often used using simple and affordable means:

  • Apple cider vinegar (1 glass for 3 liters of hot water) and soda (5 tablespoons).
  • Potassium permanganate (1 g per 2 l).
  • Decoction of calendula flowers (250 g per 2 l).

It is recommended to soak your feet in the prepared solution for 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can apply a drop of tea tree essential oil to the skin between your toes and then wear cotton socks.

Fungus between the toes is a problem that affects many people. To get rid of it as soon as possible, you should not look for possible solutions yourself; it is better to consult a doctor, undergo diagnostics and receive treatment with a guaranteed result.